Knee Surgery
Complications, Pitfalls and Salvage
Editor-in-Chief: M. Mike Malek, M.D.
Section Editors: Gregory Fanelli, M.D., Darren Johnson, M.D. and Don Johnson, M.D.
Foreword by: Frank R. Noyes, M.D.
SpringerArticular Cartilage Lesions
A Practical Guide to Assessment and Treatment
Brian J. Cole, M. D. and M. Mike Malek, M.D.
Foreword by: Joseph A. Buckwalter, M.D.
Chondral Diseases of the Knee
A Case Based Approach
Brian J. Cole, M.D. and M. Mike Malek, M.D.
M. Mike Malek, M.D.
Chirurgia del Ginacchio
Complicanze, Insidie e Salvataggio
Verduci Editore
M. Mike Malek, M.D.
Cirgia do Joelho
Complicacoes, Riscos e Solucoes
Prefacio: Moises Cohen
Ligaments and Extensor Mechanism Injuries of the Knee
Diagnosis and Treatment Mosby Yearbook W. Norman Scott, M.D.
Combined Intraarticular and Extraarticular Anterior Cruciate Reconstruction
M. Mike Malek, M.D. Gregory C. Fanelli, M.D. Marc D. Golden, D.O.
Chapter 19, 267-284 -
Current Technique in Arthroscopy
J. Serge Parisien, M.D. Current Medicine Philadelphia 1994
Arthroscopically Assisted Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction using Central Third of the Patellar tendon Autograft with Press Fit Femoral Fixation
M. Mike Malek, M.D. Jeffrey V. Deluca, M.D. and Dana R. Verch, M.D.
Chapter 15, 159-166 -
Diagnostic and Operative Arthroscopy
Andrews and Timmerman W.B. Saunders Company 1997 Complications of Knee Arthroscopy
Neal C. Small, M.D. and M. Mike Malek, M.D.
Chapter 30, 412-420 -
Athletic Injuries of the Shoulder
Frank A. Pettrone, M.D. McGraw-Hill, Inc.1995 Management of Frozen Shoulder and Calcific Tendinitis
M. Mike Malek, M.D. Gregory C. Fanelli, M.D. Dana R. Verch, M.D.
Chapter 16, 221-226 -
Instructional Course Lectures
Volume 45, 1996
Douglas J. Pritchard, M.D. Foreword: Bernard F. Morrey, M.D.
Outpatient ACL Surgery: A Review of safety, Practicality and Economy
M. Mike Malek, M.D. Jeffrey V. DeLuca, M.D. Kevin L. Kunkle, M.D. Karen R. Knable, ATC
Chapter 31, 281-285 -
Instructional Course Lectures
Volume 45, 1996
Douglas J. Pritchard, M.D. Foreword: Bernard F. Mprrey, M.D.
Arthroscopically Assisted ACL Reconstruction Using Central Third Patellar Tendon Autograft with Press Fit Femoral Fixation.
M. Mike Malek, M.D. Jeffrey V. DeLuca, M.D. Kevin L. Kunkle, M.D. Dana L. Verch, M.D.
Chapter 32, 287-285 -
Instructional Course Lectures
Douglas J. Pritchard, M.D. Foreword: Bernard F. Morrey, M.D.
Intraoperative Complications of Arthroscopically Assisted ACL Reconstruction Using Patellar Tendon Autograft M. Mike Malek, M.D. Kecin L. Kunkle, M.D. Karen R. Knable, ATC
Chapter 33, 297-302 -
Clinics in Sports Medicine
Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages 237-244
April 2002 Correct Coding for the Orthopaedic Surgeon
M. Mike Malek, M.D. Mevin M. Friedman, M.D. William Beach, M.D. -
Clinics in Sports Medicine
Volume 10, No. 3, July 1991
Page 549-567
Patellofemoral Pain
An Arthroscopic Perspective
M. Mike Malek, M.D. Gregory C. Fanelli, M.D. -
Advanced Arthroscopy
James C.Y. Chow, M.D. Editor Springer 2000 Forword: Robert W. Jackson, M.D.
Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, Bone-Tendon-Bone Graft Press Fit Technique Chapter 33.1, Pages 393-402
Bertram Zarins and Ramon Cugat
Principios de Artroscopia y cirugia Artroscopia Springer-Verlad Iberica Prefacio
David J. Marshall, M.D., F.R.A.C.S.
Reconstruccion del Ligamento Cruzado Anterior con Aloinjerio Arthroscopicamente Aaiatida M. Mike Malek, M.D. Gregory C. Fanelli, M.D.
137-146 -
Recostrucccion de la Ligamento Cruzado Posterior
M. Mike Malek, M.D. Gregory C. Fanelli, M.D.
Page 164-171
Cirurgia do Joelho
Complicacoes, Riscos e Solucoes M. Mike Malek, M.D. Kevin L. Kunkle, M.D.
Revinter 2003 Prefacio: Moises Cohen
Complicacoes e Perigos na Liberacao do Retinaculo Lateral
Capitulo 15 Pages 161-168 -
Complicacoes e Perigos nos Traumas do Tendao do Quadriceps e do Patelar
M. Mike Malek, M.D.
Capitulo 18 Pages 195-205 -
Complicacoes das Artroplastias Totais do Joelho
Felical M. Oliviere M. Mike Malek, M.D.
Capiyulo 23 Pages 303-351
M. Mike Malek, M.D.
Chirurgia Del Ginocchio Complicanze, Insidie e Salvataggio
Verduci Editore 2003
Introduzione: Frank R. Noyes, M.D. -
Complicanze de Insidie del Release del Ligamento Alare Esterno
Kevin L Kunkle, M.D. M. Mike Malek, M.D.
Chapter 15, Pages 151-165 -
Complicanze ed Insidie delle Lesioni dei Tendini Quadricipitale e Rotuleo
M. Mike Malek, M.D.
Chapter 18, Pages 185-194 -
Visione d’Indieme delle Complicanze della Prostei Totale di Ginicchio
Felicia M. Oliviere, M.D. M. Mike Malek, M.D.
Chapter 23, Pages 287-332